Sunday, September 25, 2005

Like the new emblem for this section? Just something I slapped together in my spare time.

Today's installment in the Return of 1994 Series, as usual two commercials.

The first one is for the portable Sega Game Gear. In the early years of portable gaming, things were still pretty primative. The graphics are unaccpetable to today's standards. Today, the PSP and the Nintendo DS have much better modern features. You can even watch movies on the PSP. As a matter of fact, I still own a Sega GameGear and it still works beautifully. The only flaw is a missing battery cover.

The second one is for Motocykes. I got one of those Motocykes for Christmas 1994. I remember walking through Montgomery Ward and seeing one of those babies. It was love at first sight. Press the button, and listen to the cool sound effects.

Sega Game Gear

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