Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Flashback City Commerates Lee Kinard

For the next few days, Flashback City will be honoring a man who has been a staple of Triad television. He's a guy who I've always admired. His name is Lee Kinard. He was the guy who started WFMY's Good Morning Show back in I think 1957. He left the show in I think 1997 and finally retired in 1999.

Part of this commeration will be clips of the best of Lee Kinard from the special that aired in 1999 when he retired. But first I've got to get the clips together.

I actually saw him in person back in 2004 at the National Day of Prayer in Downtown Greensboro. He was the guy who introduced Pendle Hill (Then Friends) School. We sang "Let There be Peace on Earth" by the way.

1 comment:

  1. Lee Kinard is the MAN. I grew up watching him and have a lot of respect for him.
